Why Connect3?

Connect3 (C3) Teams provide an environment where men can connect to God, connect to one another and for the cause of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the workplace. Also known as C3, these teams allow men to invest, support, and pray for one another. These teams have become invaluable in the process of Christian growth within the men involved. C3 teams meet in cities across the country on a regular (usually weekly) basis.

CBMC coined the phrase “Marketplace Ambassador” to describe the man who seeks to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to share the gospel in the marketplace. To be an ambassador for Christ is based on 2 Corinthians 5:20, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

The purpose of C3 teams is to train and equip Marketplace Ambassadors who live out their calling and impact their sphere of influence for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Intentionality is key and is experienced when we have others in our life to encourage us in this process. As Proverbs 27 proclaims, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Connect3 Teams are a platform where this process can happen.

What are the benefits of joining a Connect3 Team?

  • Strong encouragement that comes from meeting weekly with men that seek to be Marketplace Ambassadors.
  • Discover how to integrate your faith into your workplace in a manner that will result in maximum buy-in and success.
  • Learn how to master best practices of engaging the non-believer right where he is.
  • Exciting discussions on how best to approach, and then mentor another man to deepen his intimacy with Christ.


Start a Connect3 Team

If you are passionate about connecting with God and want to be connected with others who share and cultivate that passion, consider becoming a Connect3 Team Leader and start a team in your area. If you are a person of influence and want to use that influence for Kingdom purposes, consider becoming a C3 Team Leader. Connect3 Teams leverage your influence, and as a result, equip you for your role as an Ambassador for Christ. If you want to be intentional in cultivating relationships that will help you become the person God designed you to be, register to get the C3 Team Leader training. There is great value in doing life alongside others who are also committed to living out the Great Commission on a daily basis. Intentionality is the key and can be experienced more effectively when we have others in our life to encourage us in this process.

Start a C3 team in your local area and become a certified C3 Team Leader. There are 2 available training options for you.

  1. Live local training is available through by contacting our Ministry Support Center at 800-566-CBMC or email
  2. Self-study training includes live mentoring via phone with a current C3 leader. Click below to register.


“Connect3 training gave me a whole new perspective about our group. It is my prayerful hope that we can become a real Connect3 team together—praying for the lost, getting better equipped for evangelism and discipleship, and encouraging one another as we serve Christ. "
Sean Moorhead, Connect3 Team Leader
"I found the Connect 3 training to be inspiring and informative on CBMC's vision. It renewed my desire to be part of a marketplace ministry while providing very practical training that equipped me to be a more effective Ambassador for Christ."
Tony Ciepiel, Connect3 Team Leader

Register a Connect3 Team

Once you have completed the C3 training, please register your new team.


three men seated studying Connect3 on tablets